Sea of Love (1989)


Home IMDb 6.8 (42630) FSK 16

Actors William Hickey Al Pacino Damien Leake Barbara Baxley Ellen Barkin Tony De Santis John Spencer James Kidnie Richard Jenkins Michael Rooker John Goodman Barry Godin Samuel L. Jackson Luis Antonio Ramos Angel Ramirez Jr. Paul Calderon Gene Canfield Larry Joshua Christine Estabrook Patricia Barry Mark Phelan Michael O'Neill Michael Fischetti John Thaddeus Fred Sanders Anthony Catanese Manny Alfaro Brian Paul Nancy Beatty Jackie Laidlaw Paul Hubbard Wayne Best John Bourgeois Hugh Thompson Lorraine Bracco David Hummel Christopher Maleki
Directors Harold Becker
Genre Crime / Drama / Thriller
Series -
Oscar -
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→ Case/Leaflet   108min   ED/e   DVD 2 PAL   1.33:1   1/186
→ Bruckner   113min   ED/ed   MKV   1.85:1
Added 2004-06-20
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